Undergraduate recruitment interview finished successfully
author:Meng Li   time:2012-03-05

       The interview for undergraduate recruitment took place this afternoon in room 210 of MSE building. During the interview, 26 excellent students made wonderful speeches about themselves and showed their best personalities. The whole process of the recruitment interview lasted 5 hours.

      Among these students, 11 are on their junior year of university and 15 are on their sophomore year. These students came from almost all science and technology schools of XJTU, such as school of Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Information Engineering, School of science, school of Aerospace, etc. Some of them are very excellent in either social activities or academic competitions, some have very high scores, and some have lots of scientific research experiences. Many of them gave us very deep impression.

      The result of the interview will come out soon according to the interview and the paper test.








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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049