Fire prevention and fighting activity carried out in CAMP-Nano
author:CAMP-Nano on the afternoon of Nov 20. 2014. Fire" /> CAMP NANO   time:2014-11-21

 In order to prevent fire disaster and improve the awareness of safety behavior of campers during experiments in laboratories, a vivid lecture on fire prevention and fire drill was organize by CAMP-Nano on the afternoon of Nov 20. 2014. Fire drill is of great importance for the awareness of self-protection and safety guidance in case of an emergency.

 This activity is sponsored and supported by the Public security office of Xi’an Jiaotong University and the Fire Protection Association of Shaanxi Province. Leading by Prof. Zhiwei Shan, vice dean of MSE, all students, teachers, faculties actively took part in this event.

On behalf of the Protection Association of Shaanxi Province, Long Bai gave a lecture on fire control knowledge in Rm.205 MSE building. He introduced the basic rule of correct using method of electronic devices, charging and gas etc. Followed by the demonstration of self-rescue and personnel evacuate in case of a fire emergency, attendees get a better understanding of rescuing principles which will help people to calm down and choose the proper way to escape. Long Bai then showed the students and teachers how to correctly distinguish different fire extinguishers and the proper ways to use fire extinguishers, he also taught campers how to use gas mask to prevent themselves from stifled and flashlight in dark situations for electricity will be cut off when disaster happens. At the end of the lecture, Long Bai said it is very crucial for every family to keep some gas masks and a fire extinguisher at home to protect themselves in dangerous situation, especially for the kids and the old.

 After the learning process of listening to the lecture of fire safety, the students and teacher attended the activity of fire extinction guided by Mr.Du, who is the tutor of this exercise. First of all, he introduced the method of proper using of extinguisher and addressed matters that need special attention, and he put out the fire himself to help campers master the operating skills of fire extinguisher, then every student and teacher tried to put out the fire by themselves.

All campers believe that this is a unforgettable memory and this experience will help them to be more careful and stay calm in case of an emergency. After all, risk prevention practice is closely related to the safety of our life and property, and what’s more important, this experience will make campers to be more cautious in the daily life and during the experiments in labs and some campers stressed that not only themselves but also more people need to be educated about the knowledge of fire control, self-rescue and rescue others, how to escape, how to use fire-fighting equipment etc.





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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049