Psychological consulting activity—time management
author:Liping and Xin'ai   time:2014-12-05

 What is the fastest and slowest, the longest and the shortest, the most common and special thing in the world? And it can be easily ignored yet people always regretting for losing it? Yes, it is the time, which is definitely the most magical, and escapes stealthily; everyone owns it, but the outcome can be quite divergent.

 How to arrange personal time? How to get work to be done in a more efficient way? How much time has been idled away without being noticed? How significantly a person’s life plan can influence his or her future personal development? Let’s find the answers in Qiong Yan’s psychological consulting activity on December 5, 2014 in CAMP-Nano.

Qiong Yan, a famous teacher from Psychological Consulting Center of Xi’an Jiaotong University, has found in her research that quite a lot of students and teachers cannot balance their study/ working time with leisure time very well and exhaustion and tiredness always occured even when they were doing nothing at all. Thus how to manage time more effectively is an essential lesson that everyone needs to learn.

Several interesting games attracted campers’ attention, such as acting as a human-clock and counting the rest time that is still left for people to work, sleep or do something that is really meaningful for ourselves and for the society. An impressive image of time was delivered through the experience of “one minute” in three different situations—sitting still, chatting or gossiping, performing a squat. The mentality sense of “one minute” can be astonishing.

After attendees in this activities realize that time is subjective perception depending on a person’s attitude and mindset. Qiong Yan delivered some useful time-management methods. The key point is to divide your to-do list by urgent or not, and important or not, then make a relatively detailed plan of what you want to acheive and what specific actions needs to be taken to realize your plan.

We perceive time as past present and future. The most real perception of time appears to be in the moment we call present, however almost all of what we perceive as the present is already past. The present is a fleeting moment; whatever is happening now (present) should be the center of our lives. So do not idle away the precious time and life can be eternal and meaningful if we make full use of it. 







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