Five students complete their research internships in CAMP-Nano
author:Lakshmi, Bo Y.& Hua   time:2016-09-06

During the summer break, while many people were enjoying their holidays, five students chose to undertake research internships in CAMP-Nano. Three of them were undergraduate college students while the other two were just high school students. After gaining fun and broad insights in scientific research they reminisce and elaborate on their memorable experiences in the center. 

“Sprinkled on the MSE School’s building, the golden sunshine is cut into pieces by the swaying French phoenix leaves.” Ruoge Tao, a girl from Northeast Yucai School, wrote in her diary, poetically describing her first impression of the department. She joined Ziwei Gu, another high school student, hailing from the middle school attached to Northwestern poly-technical university, to work on a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and felt magically transported to a new microscopic world. They analyzed the images of haze particle in the air while additionally characterizing it with other equipments and experiments. In fact, Gu displayed great passion and heightened interest in his work and wrote down weekly reports to document his progress, which also impressed all his fellow CAMPers. Jiawei Kou, an undergraduate student in MSE, worked in the research group led by Prof. Kai Chen. In the group, Kou collaborated with a senior apprentice, Wenxin Zhu, and  ran a programme to analyze slip systems in various crystal structure. Kou liked this process of exploring computational materials science and appreciated that his supervisor Prof. Chen gave him a lot of confidence, support and encouragement.
Runqiu Huang, who is going to be a senior student in MSE, was learning to use MATLAB, a mathematic programming software, in CAMP-Nano. He exclaimed that he enjoyed his stay, and specifically appreciated the peaceful learning atmosphere of student offices along with the convenience of the Student Center.
Yahui Cai, who has worked before CAMP-Nano for about a year and half, also spent over an additional month in the summer. Cai worked on the preparation of porous ceramics and then tested its performance(多孔陶瓷的制备及其性能测试). He also designed and manufactured a testing device which can be used to test the designed material’s gas permeability and filtration performance. Hua Shang daily reported a respirator’s filtration performance tested with this device. Cai said “I always feel very happy while studying here. It’s like a big family, and everyone is always willing to help each other. Here I have learned how to handle the rigors of scientific research without loading my life with stress , which is very meaningful for me.” 
For these intern students, CAMP-Nano was a good platform to experience and understand scientific research. For CAMP-Nano, such young people bring fresh ideas, vitality and hope. CAMP-Nano welcomes students from all parts of the world to come here and enjoy the pleasures of exploring the unknown world of materials.




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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049