CAMP-Nano welcomes colleagues for XJTU- Tsinghua University joint seminar
author:Professor Zhuo Zhuang, Professor of Tsinghua University's Sc" /> CAMP NANO   time:2015-01-30

The joint seminar of materials science and engineering took place at Rm 215 MSE (School of Materials Science and Engineering), Xi’an Jiaotong University on January 29, 2015.

Led by Professor Zhuo Zhuang, Professor of Tsinghua University's School of Aerospace, a team of six academic researchers from Tsinghua attended the seminar held at CAMP-Nano, which was hosted by Professor Zhiwei Shan, Executive Director of CAMP-Nano and Deputy Dean of MSE.

The Tsinghua visitors were consisted of Prof. Zhuo Zhuang and Prof. Zhanli Liu; students including Fengxian Liu, Liyuan Wang and Peng Lin and Dr. Yinan Cui. After Professor Zhiwei Shan gave a welcome address at the opening of the seminar, eight research presentations were given by teacher and students from both research institutions, which mainly involved researches of mechanical properties, in situ observations and dislocation dynamics at micro- and nanoscale. During the presentations, Prof. Shan and Prof. Zhuang shared their academic collaboration and encouraged further cooperation on higher levels.

At last, Dr. Yinan Cui from Tsinghua University shared her experience of getting a PH.D degree, which brings a lot of laughters and also offer great courage for young students to chase a PH.D degree. Besides, Chuanwei Fan from CAMP-Nano shared a useful reservation software which shows strong power and broad application prospect on making appointments and managing instruments in laboratories, corporations and even hospitals.

All attendees valued this kind of bilateral academic communication opportunities sincerely, partnership and friendship between the two research institutes will foster mutual understanding and interests of different research fields and background, through academic exchange and scientific activities, a further and more profound academic progress and technological innovation will be enhanced and students were encouraged by their supervisors to go outside and listening to more views and scientific attainments from academic leaders and students from other universities.

Group photo of visitors from Tsinghua with Campers


             (Asso Prof. Liu, Prof. Shan, Prof. Zhuang, Prof. Han and PhD candidate Boyu Liu  from left to right)





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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049