Successful conclusion of the 8th International Workshop on Materials Behavior at the Micro- and Nano-scale
author:Guangni& Mingshuai   time:2015-06-08

On the morning of June 3rd, the 8th International Workshop on Materials Behavior at the Micro- and Nano-scale came to the last part. Seven excellent reports involving strengthening, twinning, grain boundary migration, cracking toughness and magnetic characterization in either experiments or simulations were presented in the workshop and aroused heated discussions.

Prof. Jianfeng Nie (left), J. Prof. Riccardo Mazzarello (middle) and Researcher Jian Xu (right) were giving reports respectively. 

Prof. Robert Ritchie (left), Prof. Scott X. Mao (middle) and Prof. Zhiwei Shan (right) were raising questions or giving comments.

After two and a half days’ reports presenting and discussions on the hot topics such as the properties and mechanical behaviors in metals, alloys, nanowires, nanoparticles, magnetic materials, biomaterials and etc., the 8th international workshop finally came to the closing ceremony at 12:00 am. Prof. Ju Li, the Oversea Director of CAMP-Nano, delivered a brief concluding remark to this workshop. Then, Prof. Zhiwei Shan, the Executive Director of CAMP-Nano, gave concluding remarks and reviewed the last six workshops held in Xi’an and awarded Prof. Scott X. Mao and Dr. Oden L. Warren as honorable invited speakers. Subsequently, Yuecun Wang, Mingshuai Ding and Meng Li were announced to be the winners of the three best posters award and granted the gold prize and silver prizes, respectively. 

Prof. Zhiwei Shan was giving concluding remarks (left) and Dr. Oden L. Warren was awarded as honorable invited speakers by Prof. Ju Li (right).

Prof. Robert Ritchie, Prof. Jianfeng Nie and A. Prof. Michael Demkowicz  
presented the gold prize and two silver prizes to Yuecun Wang (left), Mingshuai Ding (middle) and Meng Li (right), respectively.

Workshop attendees were visiting the E-TEM lab.

A few invited speakers took group photo in front of the feature wall of CAMP-Nano

At about 4:30 pm, the 8th Workshop on Materials Behavior at the Micro- and Nano-scale hosted by CAMP-Nano came to a successful conclusion. ‘‘I enjoyed the conference and interesting talks in materials science’’, said Ted, an attendee from Germany. Another A. Prof. Michael from MIT told that he was deeply impressed by the report from Prof. Ju Li and thought it was amazing that the graphene was crispy. 

This workshop group photo taken in front of Nanyang Hotel





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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049