Cyclic deformation leads to defect healing and strengthening of small-volume metal crystals
author:CAMP-Nano   time:2015-10-26


 [Abstract] When microscopic and macroscopic specimens of metals are subjected to cyclic loading, the creation, interaction, and accumulation of defects lead to damage, cracking, and failure. Here we demonstrate that when aluminum single crystals of submicrometer dimensions are subjected to low-amplitude cyclic deformation at room temperature, the density of preexisting dislocation lines and loops can be dramatically reduced with virtually no change of the overall sample geometry and essentially no permanent plastic strain. This “cyclic healing” of the metal crystal leads to significant strengthening through dramatic reductions in dislocation density, in distinct contrast to conventional cyclic strain hardening mechanisms arising from increases in dislocation density and interactions among defects in microcrystalline and macrocrystalline metals and alloys. Our real-time, in situ transmission electron microscopy observations of tensile tests reveal that pinned dislocation lines undergo shakedown during cyclic straining, with the extent of dislocation unpinning dependent on the amplitude, sequence, and number of strain cycles. Those unpinned mobile dislocations moving close enough to the free surface of the thin specimens as a result of such repeated straining are then further attracted to the surface by image forces that facilitate their egress from the crystal. These results point to a versatile pathway for controlled mechanical annealing and defect engineering in submicrometer-sized metal crystals, thereby obviating the need for thermal annealing or significant plastic deformation that could cause change in shape and/or dimensions of the specimen.

 近日,我中心在美国科学院院刊 (PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)在线发表(http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/10/14/1518200112)了最新研究成果:即在不改变样品外观几何的条件下,可以通过小应变循环加载的方式来诊断和调控微纳尺度单晶材料中的缺陷,进而达到调控其力学性能的目的。 该论文的作者包括王章洁博士、孙军教授和单智伟教授,约翰霍普金斯大学的博士生李庆杰,清华大学的崔一南博士、柳占立副教授和庄茁教授,美国麻省理工学院道明博士,美国卡耐基梅隆大学的Subra Suresh 教授。该研究工作得到中国国家自然科学基金、973项目及111项目的资助。

早在2008年,单智伟教授与合作者们就在《自然材料》报道了微纳尺度单晶镍中的“力致退火”现象,即通过对微纳尺度的单晶体施加载荷并使其发生塑性变形, 晶体内部的缺陷密度将大大降低甚至为零,同时材料的强度得到明显提升。由于该发现迥异于人们基于已有知识的判断,即塑性变形通常使晶体内部位错密度升高,因而受到研究人员的广泛关注。随后该现象在多种面心立方晶体中得到了验证。但是,基于模拟计算和一些实验观测,人们普遍认为体心立方金属不会有力致退火现象,原因是体心立方金属的螺位错具有不共面的特性,通常表现出一系列不同于面心立方金属的变形行为。经过对已有工作的仔细梳理和分析,单智伟教授等认为在合适的尺寸范围内,体心立方金属中也应该存在类似的力致退火现象。通过巧妙的实验设计,研究团队以令人信服的证据证实了上述推测,从而推翻了此前人们对于该问题的认知(黄玲等,《自然通讯》,2011)。





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