Hitachi HT7800

The HT7800 RuliTEM is a 120 kV transmission electron microscope (TEM) with multiple lens configurations, including a standard lens for unsurpassed high contrast and a class-leading HR lens for high resolution.

This breakthrough in advanced innovative design allows for highly efficient workflows and many specialized applications. It represents the cutting-edge solution for modern TEM analyses.

HT7800 features

1.Hitachi's Dual-Mode objective lens supports easy observation under low magnification, wide-field high contrast, high resolution, and more—all in one microscope.

2.Normal room light operation and automated functions allow both novice and experienced operators to use the system effectively.

3.Advanced stage-navigation function enables whole-grid searching and efficient image acquisition.


Acc. Voltage

20-120 kV (100 V/step variable)



Resolution (Lattice)

0.20 nm(Off-axis, 100 kV)

Maximum magnification


Stage maximum tilt angle





Useful links

28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049