School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University28 West Xianning Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P. R. China
Academic appointments
Principal Investigator (mid Nov. 2019 - present)
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Postdoctoral Fellow (Feb. 2015 – Oct. 2019)
Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
Co-supervisors: Rob Ritchie and Mark Asta
Postdoc (Oct. 2014 – Jan. 2015)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Johns Hopkins University, USA
2014 (Ph.D) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, USA (Advisor: Evan Ma)
2010 (B.S) School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Research Interests
Using multiscale modelling and machine learning approaches to study:
Disordered structural alloys, including high-entropy alloys and metallic glasses
Mechanical behavior of advanced materials at nanoscale
Supercooled liquids and crystal-liquid interfaces
Awards and Honors
2015 Acta Student Award, USA
2014 JSPS Fellowship (declined)
2010 Fellowship, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Selected publications (*Corresponding author
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=WYSM210AAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchID: https://publons.com/researcher/2688738/jun-ding/
1.Pekin T, Ding J, Gammer C, Ozdol VB, Opus C, Asta M, Ritchie, RO. Minor A*. Direct measurement of nanostructural change during in situ deformation of a bulk metallic glass. Nature Communications. 10, 2445 (2019)
2.Ding J, Yu Q, Asta M* & Ritchie, RO*. Tunable stacking fault energies by tailoring local chemical order in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 115, 8919-8924 (2018)
3.Wang N, Ding J*, Yan F, Asta M, Rithie RO & Li L*. Spatial correlation of elastic heterogeneity tunes the deformation behavior of metallic glasses. npj Computational Materials, 4, 19 (2018)
4.Ding J, Asta M* & Ritchie RO*. On the question of fractal packing structure in metallic glasses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 114, 8458-8463 (2017)
5.Ding J* & Ma E*. Computational Modelling sheds light on structural evolution in metallic glasses and supercooled liquids. npj Computational Materials, 3, 9 (2017)
6.Ding J, Cheng Y.Q, Sheng H.W, Asta M, Ritchie RO. & Ma E*. Universal Structural Parameter to Quantitatively Predict Metallic Glass Properties. Nature Communications, 7, 13733 (2016)
7.Ma E*, & Ding J. Tailoring structural inhomogeneities in metallic glasses to enable tensile ductility at room temperature. Materials Today, 19, 568-579 (2016)
8.Ding J, Patinet S, Falk ML, Cheng YQ, & Ma E*. Soft spots and their structural signature in a metallic glass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 111 (39): 14052-14056 (2014)
9.Ding J, Cheng YQ, & Ma E*. Full icosahedra dominate local order in Cu64Zr36 metallic glass and supercooled liquid. Acta Materialia 69:343-354. (2014)
10.Ding J *, Cheng YQ, & Ma E. Charge-transfer-enhanced prism-type local order in amorphous Mg65Cu25Y10: Short-to-medium-range structural evolution underlying liquid fragility and heat capacity. Acta Materialia 61(8):3130-3140. (2013)
11.Ding J *, Cheng YQ, & Ma E. Quantitative measure of local solidity/liquidity in metallic glasses. Acta Materialia 61(12):4474-4480. (2013)
12.Wang C-C, Ding J, Cheng YQ, Wan JC, Tian L, Sun J, Shan ZW*, Li J* & Ma E*. Sample size matters for Al88Fe7Gd5 metallic glass: Smaller is stronger. Acta Materialia 60(13-14):5370-5379. (2012)
Invited talks and seminars
1.Ding J. Tunable stacking fault energies by tailoring local chemical order in NiCoCr medium-entropy alloys. TMS Annual Meeting. San Antonio, USA. 3/2019
2.Ding J. Tunable stacking fault energies by tailoring local chemical order in NiCoCr medium-entropy alloys. The 2nd International Conference on High-entropy Materials. Jeju, Korea. 12/2018
3.Ding J. Computation-guided understanding and design of disordered structural alloys. Department of Mechanical and aerospace Engineering, UC Irvine. 4/2018
4.Ding J, Asta M & Ritchie R. Melts of high-entropy alloys: Atomic diffusion and electronic/atomic structure from ab initio simulation. TMS Meeting, Phoenix, USA. 3/2018
5.Ding J, Asta M & Ritchie R. Effect of pressure on the structure and properties of metallic glasses examined by computer simulation. TMS Meeting, Phoenix, USA. 3/2018
6.Ding J. Tuning order in disordered materials. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 3/2017
7.Ding J, Asta M & Ritchie R. Accurate Peak Prediction of Pair Correlation Functions in Metallic Glasses. TMS Meeting, San Diego, USA. 3/2017
8.Ding J. Tuning Order in Disordered Materials. Dartmouth College, Hanover NH. 3/2016
9.Ding J. Atomic-Level Structure and Structure-Property Relationship in Metallic Glasses, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA 11/2014
Synergistic Activities
Journal Reviewer: Nature Materials; Nature Communications; Physical Review Letters; Nano Letters; Science Advance; Acta Materialia; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Physical Review B; npj Computational Materials; Applied Physics Letters; Journal of Applied Physics; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; Computational Materials Science
Memberships: Materials Research Society (MRS); American Physical Society (APS); The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
Session Chair: 2017 MRS Fall Meeting Symposium TC06; 2018 MRS Fall Meeting Symposium PM 04; 2018 The 2nd International Conference on High-entropy Materials