Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale
Hysitron Applied Research Center in China,
State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials & School of Materials Science and Engineering,
28 West Xianning Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049, P. R. China
Director, Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale & Hysitron Applied Research Center, China (HARCC)
Director, Engineering Research Center for Magnesium-based New Materials
Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials,
Dean, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
So far, published 97 papers in peer reviewed journals, including the most prestigious ones such as Science (2), Nature (1), Nature Materials (4), PNAS (2), Nature Communications (11) et al; organized and co-organized 24 international conferences; authored/presented more than 200 talks with more than half of them being invited talks; found and co-found three international research centers and one provincial engineering center.
My research interests include: 1) probing the properties and advancing the performance of materials from the nanoscale; 2) developing technologies to enable above goals, and 3) accumulate and construct the knowledge system of materials at the micro- and nano- Scale. Currently my research efforts are focused on applying and developing unique quantitative in situ TEM mechanical testing techniques (indentation/compression/bending/tensile/fatigue/fracture + heating/electrical + gas environment).
1. K. Chen*, R. Q. Huang, Y. Li, S. C. Lin, W. X. Zhu, , N. Tamura, J. Li*, Z. W. Shan*, E. Ma*, Rafting-enabled recovery avoids recrystallization in 3D-printing repaired single-crystal superalloys, Advanced Mateirals, doi: 10.1002/adma.201907164, 2020.
2. Y. C. Wang, B. M. Liang, S. G. Xu, L. Tian, A. M. Minor, Z. W. Shan*, Tunable anelasticity in amorphous Si nanowires, Nano Letters, 20, 1, 449-455, 2020.
3. B.Y. Liu, F. Liu, N. Yang, X. B. Zhai, L. Zhang, Y. Yang, B. Li*, J. Li, E. Ma, J. F. Nie*, Z. W. Shan*, Large plasticity in magnesium mediated by pyramidal dislocations, SCIENCE, 365: 73–75, 2019.
4. D. G. Xie, Z. Y. Nie, S. Shinzato, Y. Q. Yang, F. X. Liu, S. Ogata*, J. Li, E. Ma, Z. W. Shan*, Controlled growth of single-crystalline metal nanowires via thermomigration across a nanoscale junction, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 10: 4478, 2019.
5. B. Y. Liu, K. E. Prasad, N. Yang, F. Liu, Z. W. Shan*, In-situ quantitative TEM investigation on the dynamic evolution of individual twin boundary in muyhagnesium under cyclic loading. Acta Materialia, 179: 414-423, 2019.
6. R. L. Narayan, L. Tian, D. L. Zhang, M. Dao*, Z. W. Shan*, K. J. Hsia*, Effects of notches on the deformation behavior of submicron sized metallic glasses: Insights from in situ experiments, Acta Materialia, 154: 172-181, 2018.
7. Y. C. Wang, B. Y. Liu, X. A. Zhao, X. H. Zhang, Y. C. Miao, N. Yang, B. Yang, L. Q. Zhang*, W. J. Kuang, J. Li, E. Ma* and Z. W. Shan*, Turning a native or corroded Mg alloy surface into an anti-corrosion coating in excited CO2, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9:4058, 2018.
8. L. Q. Zhang, Y. S. Tang, Q. M. Peng, T. T. Yang, Q. N. Liu, Y. C. Wang, Y. F. Li*, C. C. Du, Y. Sun, L. S. Cui, F. Yang, T. D. Shen, Z. W. Shan*, and J. Y. Huang*, Ceramic Nanowelding, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9:96, 2018.
9. Z. J. Wang, Q. J. Li, Y. Li, L. C. Huang, L. Lu, M. Dao*; J. Li, E. Ma*; S. Suresh, Z. W. Shan*, Sliding of coherent twin boundaries, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 8:1108, 2017.
10. W. Z. Han, J. Zhang, M. S. Ding, L. Lv, W. L. Wang, G, H. Wu, Z. W. Shan*; J. Li*, Helium Nanobubbles Enhance Superelasticity and Retard Shear Localization in Small-Volume Shape Memory Alloy, Nano Letters, 17(6): 3725-3730, 2017.
11. M. Li, D. G. Xie, E. Ma, J. Li, X. X. Zhang* and Z. W. Shan*, Effect of hydrogen on the integrity of aluminium-oxide interface at elevated temperatures, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 8: 14564, 2017.
12. N. Xu, W. Z. Han, Y. C. Wang, J. Li, Z. W. Shan*, Nanoscratching of copper surface by CeO2, Acta Materialia, 124: 343-350, 2017.
13. Z. J. Wang, F. I. Allen, Z. W Shan*, P. Hosemann*, Mechanical behavior of copper containing a gas-bubble superlattice, Acta Materialia, 121: 78-84, 2016.
14. M. S. Ding, L. Tian, W. Z. Han*, J. Li, E. Ma, Z. W. Shan*, Nanobubble Fragmentation and Bubble-Free-Channel Shear Localization in Helium-Irradiated Submicron-Sized Copper, Physical Review Letters, 117(21): 215501, 2016.
15. D. G. Xie, S. Z. Li, Z. J. Wang, P. Gumbsch, J. Sun, E. Ma*, J. Li*, and Z. W. Shan*, Hydrogenated vacancies lock dislocations in aluminum, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 7:13341, 2016.
16. Q. J. Li, J. Li*, Z. W. Shan*, En Ma*, Strongly correlated breeding of high-speed dislocations, Acta Materialia, 119, 229-241, 2016.
17. Q. J. Li, J. Li*, Z. W. Shan*, En Ma*, Surface Rebound of Relativistic Dislocations Directly and Efficiently Initiates Deformation Twinning, Physical Review Letters, 117(16): 165501, 2016.
18. X. G. Wang, K. Chen, Y. Q. Zhang, J. C. Wan, O. L. Warren, R. Major, Y. Oh, J. Li, E. Ma, Z. W. Shan*, Growth conditions control the elastic and electrical properties of ZnO nanowires, Nano Letters, 15, 7886-7892, 2015.
19. Z. J. Wang, Q. J. Li, Y. N. Cui, Z. L. Liu, E. Ma, J. Li, J. Sun, Z. Zhuang, M. Dao*, Z. W. Shan*, and S. Suresh*, Cyclic deformation leads to defect healing and strengthening of small-volume metal crystals, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, 13502–13507, 2015.
20. D. G. Xie, Z. J. Wang, J. Sun, J. Li*, E. Ma* and Z. W. Shan*, In situ study of the initiation of hydrogen bubbles at the aluminium metal/oxide interface, NATURE MATERIALS, 14, 899-903, 2015.
21. W. Z. Han, L. Huang, S. Ogata, H. Kimizuka, Z. C. Yang, C. Weinberger, Q. J. Li, B. Y. Liu, X. X. Zhang*, J. Li, E. Ma and Z. W. Shan*, From "smaller is stronger" to "size-independent strength plateau": towards measuring the ideal strength of iron, Advanced Materials, 27, 3385-3390, 2015.
22. B. Y. Liu, J. Wang, B. Li, L. Lu, X. Y. Zhang, Z. W. Shan*, J. Li, C. L. Jia, J. Sun, E. Ma, Twinning-like lattice reorientation without a crystallographic twinning plane,
23. C. C. Wang, Y. W. Mao, Z. W. Shan*, Ming Dao*, J. Li, J. Sun, E. Ma, and S. Suresh*, Real-time, high-resolution study of nanocrystallization and fatigue cracking in a cyclically strained metallic glass, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(49): 19725-19730, 2013.
24. L. Tian, Z. W. Shan*, E. Ma*. Ductile necking behavior of nanoscale metallic glasses under uniaxial tension at room temperature. Acta Materialia, 61: 4823-4830, 2013.
25. L. Tian, Y. Q. Cheng, Z. W. Shan*, J. Li, C. C. Wang, X. D. Han, J. Sun, E. Ma*, Approaching the ideal elastic limit of metallic glasses. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 3: 609, 2012.
26. C. C. Wang, J. Ding, Y. Q. Cheng, J. C. Wan, L. Tian, J. Sun, Z. W. Shan*, Ju Li*, E. Ma*, Sample size matters for Al88Fe7Gd5 metallic glass: Smaller is stronger, Acta Materialia, 60, 5370-5379, 2012.
27. Z. J. Wang., Z. W. Shan*, J. Li*, J. Sun, E. Ma*. Pristine-to-pristine regime of plastic deformation in submicron-sized single crystal gold particles. Acta Materialia, 60, 1368-1377, 2012.
28. L. Huang, Q. J. Li, Z. W. Shan*, J. Li*, J. Sun, E. Ma, A new regime for mechanical annealing and strong sample-size strengthening in body-centred cubic molybdenum, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2: 547, 2011.
29. H. Guo, K. Chen, Y. Oh, K. Wang, C. Dejoie, S.A.S. Asif, O.L. Warren, Z.W. Shan*, J. Wu*, A.M. Minor*, Mechanics and dynamics of the strain-induced M1-M2 structural phase transition in individual VO2 nanowires; Nano Letters, 11: 3207-3213, 2011.
30. K. Zheng, C. C. Wang, Y. Q Cheng, Y. H. Yue, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang*, Z. W. Shan*, S. X. Mao, M. M. Ye, Y. D. Yin, E. Ma*, Electron-beam-assisted superplastic shaping of nanoscale amorphous silica, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 1(24):1-8, 2010.
31. Q. Yu, Z. W. Shan, J. Li, X. X. Huang, L. Xiao, J. Sun and E. Ma, Strong Crystal Size Effect on Deformation Twinning, NATURE, e, 463, 335-338, 2010.
32. Z. W. Shan, A. Cabot, A. Minor, D. Chrzan, S. Asif, O. Warren, P. A. Alivisatos. Ultrahigh strength and ductility of nanocrystalline hollow spheres, NATURE MATERIALS, 7: 947-952, 2008.
33. Z. W. Shan, J.A. Knapp, D. M. Follstaedt, E. A. Stach, J. M. K Wiezorek, S. X. Mao, Inter- and intra-agglomerate fracture in nanocrystalline nickel, Physical Review letters, 100: 105502, 2008.
34. Z. W. Shan, R. K. Mishra, S.A. Syed Asif, O. L. Warren, A. M. Minor, Mechanical annealing and source limited deformation in subscale Ni crystals, NATURE MATERIALS, 7(2): 115-119, 2008.
35. Z. W. Shan, J. M. K Wiezorek, E.A. Stach, D. M. Follstaedt, J.A. Knapp, S. X. Mao, Dislocation dynamics in nanocrystalline nickel, Physical Review Letters, 98(9): 095502, 2007.
36. A. M. Minor, S. A. Syed Asif, Z. W. Shan, E.A. Stach, E. Cyrankowki, T. J. Wyrobek, O. L. Warren, A new view of the onset of plasticity during the nanoindentation of aluminum. NATURE MATERIALS, 5: 697-702, 2006.
37. Z. W. Shan, E. A. Stach, J. M. K. Wiezorek, J. A. Knapp, D. M. Follstaedt, S. X. Mao, Response to comment on “Grain boundary mediated plasticity in nanocrystalline Ni”, SCIENCE, 308(5720): 356, 2005.
38. Z. W. Shan, E. A. Stach, J. M. K. Wiezorek, J. A. Knapp, D. M. Follstaedt, S. X. Mao, Grain Boundary Mediated Plasticity in Nanocrystalline Nickel, SCIENCE, 305 (5684): p654-657, 2004.

Talent Plan Honors
2017 Member, Asia Pacific Academy of Materials Sciences
2015 Supported by the program of “Millions of talents”, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, PRC
2009 Winner of National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund