Weizhong Han



School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
28# West Xianning Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049, P. R. China

Webpage: http://wzhanxjtu.gr.xjtu.edu.cn


Email:            wzhanxjtu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn  

Office phone: 029-82664630  



Professor                 CAMP-Nano, School of Materials Science and Engineering,  

                                  Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shannxi, China, 2014.01;

Research Fellow     Center for Materials at Irradiation and Mechanical Extremes,  

                                  Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA,             


Research Fellow     ARC Centre of Excellence for Design in Light Metals, Materials      

                                  Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2008-2010;

  Ph.D.                         Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal

                                  Research,  Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, Liaoning, China,


  B.S.                             Department of Physics, Shanxi      Normal          University     , Linfeng, Shanxi, China, 1999-2003.



  • One Hundred Talents Program of Shannxi Province Government, 2016.

  • Best      paper award in the ARC Center of Excellence for Design in Light Metals, 2011.      

  • Dean      award of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009.    

  • First      Class Changxu Shi Fellowship,         Institute                                                                                             of         Metal   Reseah, 2009.

  Research Interests

  •  Radiation effect in metals and alloys;    

  •  Design of novel radiation tolerant materials;    

  •  Mechanical behavior of metals in gaseous environment;    

  •  Interface metallic materials;    

  •  Dynamic loading of materials;    

  •  Fatigue and fracture of materials.

Reviewer for

Advanced Materials; Physical Review Letters; ACS Applied Materials and interfaces; Acta Materialia; Nanoscale; Physical Review B; Applied Physics Letters; Scripta Materialia; Materials Chemistry and Physics; Materials Research Letters; Materials Science & Engineering A; Philosophical Magazine; Philosophical Magazine Letters; Materials Letters; Computational Materials Science; Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A/B; Ceramic International; Acta Metallurgica Sinica; Science China Technological Sciences.    


1.  Yang Y, Kushima A, Han WZ, Xin HL, Li J, Liquid-like, self-healing aluminum oxide during deformation at room temperature. Nano Letters, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b00068.

2.  Han WZ*, Ding MS, Shan ZW,  Cracking behavior of helium-irradiated small-volume copper. Scripta Materialia, 147 (2018) 1-5.

3.  Li SH, Han WZ*, Shan ZW, Deformation of small-volume Al-4Cu alloy under electron beam irradiation. Acta Materialia, 141 (2017) 183-192

4.  Han WZ*, Ding MS, Narayana RL, Shan ZW, In situ study of deformation twinning and detwinning in helium irradiated small-volume copper. Advanced Engineering Materials, 19 (2017) 1700357. (VIP paper)

5.  Han WZ*,  Zhang J, Ding MS, Lv L, Wang WH, Wu GH, Shan ZW, Li J. Helium  nanobubbles enhance superelasticity and retard shear localization in  small-volume shape memory alloy. Nano Letters, 17 (2017) 3725-3730.

6.  Wan L, Ishii A, Du JP, Han WZ, Mei QS, Ogata S. Atomistic modeling study of a strain-free stress driven grain boundary migration mechanism. Scripta Materialia, 134 (2017) 52-56.

7.  Han WZ*, Zhang J, Ding MS, Lv L, Wang WH, Wu GH, Shan ZW, Li J. Helium nanobubbles enhances superelasticity and retard shear localization in small-volume shape memory alloy. Nano Letters, 17 (2017) 3725-3730.

8.  Li SH, Han WZ*, Li J, Ma E, Shan ZW. Small-volume aluminum alloys with native oxide shell deliver unprecedented strength and toughness. Acta Materialia, 126 (2017) 202-209.

9.  Ding MS, Tian L, Han WZ*, Li J, Ma E, Shan ZW*. Nanobubble fragmentation and bubble-free-channel shear localization in helium irradiated submicron-sized copper. Physical Review Letters, 117 (2016) 215501.

10.  Xu N, Han WZ, Wang YC, Li J, Shan ZW. Nanoscratching of copper surface by CeO2. Acta Materialia, 124 (2017) 343-350.

11. Yu WZ, Shen SP, Liu YL, Han WZ. Nonhysteretic superelasticity and strain hardening in copper bicrystal with a symmetric incoherent twin boundary. Acta Materialia, 124 (2017) 30-36.

12.  Ding MS, Du JP, Wan L,Ogata S, Tian L, Ma E, Han WZ* , Li J, Shan ZW. Radiation-induced helium nanobubbles enhance ductility in submicron-sized single-crystalline copper. Nano Letters, 16 (2016) 4118-4124.    

13.  Ding MS, Han WZ, Li J, Ma E, Shan ZW. In situ study of the mechanical properties of airborne haze particle. Science China Technological Sciences, 58 (2015) 2046.

14.  Wan L, Han WZ, Chen K. Bi-crystallographic lattic structure directs grain boundary motion under shear stress. Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 13441.

15.  Han WZ*, Huang L*, Ogata S, Kimizuka H, Yang ZC, Weinberger C, Li QJ, Liu BY, Zhang XY**, Li J, Ma E, Shan ZW**, From "smaller is stronger" to "size-independent strength plateau": towards measuring the ideal strength of iron. Advanced Materials, 27 (2015) 3385.

16.  Han WZ, Mara NA, Wang YQ, Misra A, Demkowicz MJ. He implantation of bulk Cu-Nb nanocomposites fabricated by accumulated roll bonding. Journal of Nuclear Materials 452 (2014) 57.   

17.  Cobb J, Vachhani S, Dickerson RM, Dickerson PO, Han WZ, Mara NA, Carpenter JS, Schneider J. Layer stability and material properties of friction stir welded Cu-Nb nanolamellar composites plates. Materials Research Letters 2 (2014) 227.          

18.  Han WZ, Cerreta EK, Mara NA, Beyerlein IJ, Carpenter      JS, Zheng SJ, Trujillo CP, Dickerson PO, Misra A. Deformation and Failure      of shocked Cu-Nb nanolaminates. Acta Materialia      63 (2014) 150. 

19.  Han WZ, Demkowicz MJ, Mara NA, Fu EG, Sinha S, Rollett      AD, Wang YQ, Carpenter JS, Beyerlein IJ, Misra A. Design of irradiation      tolerant materials via interface engineering. Advanced      Materials 25 (2013) 6975.

20.  Han WZ, Fu EG, Demkowicz MJ, Wang YQ, Misra A. Irradiation      damage of single crystal, coarse-grained, and nanograined copper under      helium bombardment at 450C. Journal of      Material Research 28 (2013) 2763. (Invited feature paper+Journal cover).          

21.  Fu EG, Fang Y, Zhuo MJ, Zheng SJ, Bi ZX, Wang      YQ, Tang M, Ding X, Han WZ, Luo HM, Misra A, Nastasi M. Acta Materialia 64 (2013) 100.

22.  Zheng SJ, Beyerlein IJ, Carpenter JS, Kang K, Han WZ, Mara NA. High strength and thermal stabile bulk nanolayered Cu-Nb composites due to twin-induced interface. Nature Communications 4 (2013) 1696.          

23. Beyerlein IJ, Mara NA, Carpenter JS, Zheng SJ, Han WZ, Zhang RF, Kang KW, Germann TC, Nizolek T, Pollock TM, Wang J. Structure-Property-Functionality of Bi-metal Interfaces. Journal of Metals 64 (2012) 1192.
24.   Han WZ, Demkowicz MJ, Fu EG, Wang YQ, Misra A. Effect      of grain boundary characters on sink efficiency. Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 6341.

25.  Zheng SJ, Beyerlein IJ, Wang J, Carpenter JS,  Han WZ, Mara NA.      Deformation twinning mechanism from bi-metal interfaces as revealed by in-situ straining in the TEM. Acta Materialia      60 (2012) 5858.

26.   An Q, Ravelo R, Germann TC, Han WZ,  Luo SN, Tonks DL, Goddard WA. Shock compression and spallation of single crystal tantalum.Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-2011, PTS 1 AND 2.

27.    An Q, Han WZ, Luo SN, Germann TC,  Tonks DL, Goddard III WA. Left-right      loading dependence of shock response of (111)//(112) Cu bicrystals:      deformation and spallation. Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012)      053525.

28.  Han WZ, Huang L, An Q, Chen HT, Luo SN.      Crystallization of nanodroplet prefers close-packed planes regardless of substrate. Journal of Crystal Growth, 345 (2012) 34.

29.  An Q, Luo SN, Goddard III WA, Han WZ,  Arman B, Johnson WL. Synthesis of single-component metallic glasses by thermal spray of nanodroplets on amorphous substrates. Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 041909.

 30.   Han WZ, An Q, Luo SN, Germann TC, Tonks DL, Goddard  III WA. Deformation and spallation of shocked Cu bicrystals with Σ3  coherent and symmetric incoherent grain boundaries. Physical Review B, 85 (2012) 024107.

 31. Huang L, Han WZ, An Q, Goddard III WA, Luo SN. Shock-induced consolidation and spallation of Cu nanopowders. Journal of Applied Physics  111 (2012) 013508.

 32. Han WZ, Carpenter JS, Wang J, Beyerlein IJ, Mara NA. Atomic-level study of twin nucleation      from fcc/bcc interfaces in nanolamellar composites. Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 011911. (also see Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technololy, Jan 23, 2012)  .   

33.  Han WZ, Misra A, Mara NA, Germann TC, Baldwin JK, Shimada T, Luo SN. Role of interfaces      in shock induced plasticity in Cu/Nb nanolaminates.  Philosophical      Magazine  91 (2011) 4172.
 Han WZ, Chen Y, Vinogradov A, Hutchinson CR. Dynamic Precipitation During Cyclic Deformation of an Underaged Al-Cu Alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A. 528 (2011) 7410.

 35. Han WZ, Vinogradov A, Hutchinson CR. On the reversibility of dislocation slip during cyclic deformation of Al alloys containing shear-resistant particles. Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 3720. (Invited talk at ICSMA 16)

36. Wu     SD       , An XH, Han WZ, Qu S, Zhang ZF. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of fcc metallic materials subjected to equal channel angular pressing. Acta Metallurgica Sinica 46 (2010)257. 

 37.  Tian YZ, Han WZ, Yang HJ, Li SX, Wu SD, Zhang ZF. Shear banding observations in Cu-16wt% Ag alloy  subjected to one-pass equal channel angular pressing. Scripta Materialia 62 (2010) 183.

38.  Han WZ,   Li SX, Wu     SD   , Zhang ZF. Deformation mechanisms of single crystals and bicrystals subjected to equal-channel angular pressing----Review. Materials Science Forum 633-634 (2010) 511.  (Invited)

 39. Han WZ, Yang HJ, An XH, Yang RQ, Li SX, Wu SD, Zhang ZF. Evolution of initial grain boundaries and shear bands in Cu bicrystals during one-pass equal channel angular pressing. Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 1132.

 40  Han WZ, Cheng GM, Li SX,  Wu     SD     , Zhang ZF. Deformation induced microtwins and stacking faults in aluminum single crystal. Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 115505.

41.    Han WZ, Li SX,    Wu     SD     , Zhang ZF. Origin of deformation twinning from grain boundary in copper. Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 221909. (also see Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Jun 16, 2008)

42.   Han WZ,  Li SX, Huang CX,   Wu     SD     , Zhang ZF. Orientation design for enhancing deformation twinning in Cu single crystal subjected to equal channel angular pressing. Advanced Engineering Materials 10 (2008) 1110.

43.    An XH, Han WZ, Huang CX, Zhang P, Yang G, Wu SD, Zhang ZF. High strength and utilizable ductility of bulk ultrafine-grained Cu-Al alloys. Applied Physics Letters92 (2008) 201915.

44.   Han WZ, Zhang ZF, Wu   SD   , Li SX. Combined effects of  crystallographic orientation, stacking fault energy and grain size on deformation twinning in FCC crystals. Philosophical Magazine 88 (2008) 3011.

45. Han WZ,  Zhang ZF, Wu     SD   , Li SX. Investigation on the geometrical aspect of deformation during equal-channel angular pressing by in-situ physical modeling experiments. Materials Science & Engineering A 476 (2008) 224.

 46. Han WZ, Wu     SD   , Li SX, Wang YD. Intermediate annealing of pure Cu during cyclic equal  channel angular pressing. Materials Science & Engineering A 483-484 (2008) 430.

 47. Han WZ, Zhang ZF, Wu     SD   , Li SX. Influences of crystallographic orientations on deformation mechanism and grain refinement of Al single crystals subjected to one-pass equal-channel angular pressing. Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 5889.

 48. Han WZ,  Zhang ZF, Wu     SD   , Li SX. Nature of shear flow lines in equal-channel angular-pressed      metals and alloys. Philosophical Magazine Letters 87 (2007) 735.

 49. Han WZ, Zhang ZF,  Wu      SD   , Li SX, Wang YD. Anisotropic compressive properties of iron subjected to single-pass equal-channel angular pressing. Philosophical Magazine Letters  86 (2006) 435.

 50. Jia N, Wang YD, Wu SD, Han WZ,Wang YN, Deng JNLiaw PK. Anomalous hardening in copper due to the growth of deformation-induced micro-twins after annealing.Scripta Materialia54 (2006) 1247.




1. Han WZ, The superelastic response of Ni2FeGa shape memory alloy pillar, IUMRS-ICYRAM, Oct. 24th-27th 2014, Haikou, China. (Invited Talk )        

2.Han WZ, Design of shock resistant metals via interface engineering, New Quantum Materials of Novel Properties at Extended  Pressures, Aug.19th-21th 2014, Beijing, China.(Invited Talk)
3. Han WZ
, Effect of grain boundary character on sink efficiency. 2013 TMS, March 3rd-7th , San Antonio, Texas, USA.

4. Han WZ, Effect of grain boundary character on sink efficiency2012 MRS Fall meeting, Nov 25th-Dec 1st, Boston, USA.

5. Han WZ, Atomic level study of twinning from fcc-bcc interfaces2012 MRS Fall meeting, Nov 25th-Dec 1st, Boston, USA.

6.Han WZ, Chen Y, Vinogradov A, Hutchinson CR, The Cyclic Deformation behaviour of Precipitate Strengthened Al Alloys:  Experiments and Modelling. 16th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 16), Aug 19th-Aug 24th,  2012, Bengaluru, India. (Plenary Talk)

7. Han WZ, Interface structure dependent deformation twinning in Cu/Nb multilayers. TMS 2012, Mar 11st-Mar 15th, 2012, Orlando,  USA.

8. Han WZ, Interface structure dependent deformation twinning in Cu/Nb multilayers. MS&T 2011, Oct 16th-Oct 20th, 2011, Columbus,  USA.

9. Han WZ, Role of interfaces in shock-induced plasticity in Cu/Nb nanolaminate. 17th APS SCCM Conference, June 26th-July 1st,  2011, Chicago, USA.

10. Han WZ, Dynamic precipitation during cyclic deformation in under aged Al-4Cu containing q¢ precipitates. 12th International  conference on aluminum alloys, Sep, 2010, Yokohama, Japan.

11. Han WZ, Dynamic precipitation during cyclic deformation in under aged Al-4Cu containing q¢ precipitates. COE annual meeting,  Dec, 2009,Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia.

12. Han WZ, Anisotropic compressive properties of iron subjected to single-pass equal-channel angular pressing, 14th International  Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICMSA 14), June. 4-9, 2006, Xi'an, China            .




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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049