In the 12th May 2023, the annual Workshop on Materials Behaviors at Micro- and Nano- scale comes to a successful conclusion in the Science Room 101 at Xi'an Jiaotong University. In the end ceremony, Prof. Zhiwei Shan made some ending remarks to every online and offline audience and professors.

It took four days to enjoy the complete Workshop this year, where in the first two days the scholars are registered, arranged for resting and opening ceremony. After opening ceremony many more scholars are online and offline to make their own reports. There are more than 200 participants come from 11 countries.

One more thing you should notice is that poster section reappears, which is not contained last year. It is the third day of Workshop, comparing to the report section, all 28 posters are made and designed by students, whose topics contains theoretical calculations, deformation mechanism, characterized technique and property orientated structure designment and so on. In the following appraise and elect time, professors will rank each poster according to their content and style. Outstanding poster ‘Hierarchical 3D Nanolayered Structures Enabled Superior Fracture Toughness in Zr-2.5Nb’ presented by Xiaowei Zou is awarded Gold prize. Yan Lu’s ‘Effect of Grain Size on Ductile-to-brittle Transition in Chromium’ gets the Silver prize. The Bronze prizes are awarded to ‘Ultrahigh Strength-ductility of Nanocrystalline Cr2AlC Coating Under Micropillar Compression’ by Jianhuai Yuan and ‘’ by Geometrically necessary dislocations and related kinematic hardening in gradient grained materials: A nonlocal crystal plasticity study ‘ by Jianfeng Zhao’.

In the last day of Workshop, excellent reports do not stop till the end. Involving corrosion, hydrogen effect, solid-state phase, fatigue property and twinning mechanism and so on, 14 professors share their own opinions with each audience.

Great time always runs fast, it is time to say bye to our Workshop. Please notice that workshop next year will be held in Iharbor campus of Xi’an Jiaotong University (West China Science and Technology Innovation Port), Xi’an Shaanxi. Hope we meet next time!