Public Opening Day of MBM & Scientific Tour to CAMP-Nano
author:Liping Zheng   time:2014-09-24

 The public opening day of MBM (State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials) was carried out on Sep23, 2014. And CAMP-Nano was responsible for the conducting of activities to boost the scientific interest and research morale of the public.

  30 students(grade 4 and grade 5) from the Primary School Attached to Xi’an Jiaotong University (PSAXJTU) visited State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials and watched a variety of interesting scientific experiments performed by the students and teachers from CAMP-Nano.

   Attractive and colorful experiments were demonstrated during the tour process, first of all, Mingshuai Ding (master student) showed the pupils what science is about, what the world really looks like in the micro and macro view and how to solve the smog problem in the modern world through his report, then followed by a bunch of brilliant scientific experiments, such as the showing performance of the 3D print technology, the remote-controlled car with the APP on a cellphone (Pengcheng Zhang, technical staff), “Beautiful garden in the water”(Tao Dai, master student) ; “Observing onion cells through the metalloscope”(Ning Xu, doctoral student); “Watching the micro and nano scale behavior through ETEM”(Fei Ai, master student); “Lemon battery”(Lie Yang, master student); “Using bananas to knock the nail into wood”(Kang Liu, master student) etc. 

  These interesting experiments are quite easy to understand and beneficial to meet the satisfaction of the pupils’ curiosity and desire for the exploration of the scientific world. They also experienced and trained their abilities by doing experiment themselves under the guidance of campers.

  After the tour and experiments, blessing letters were given to the pupils written by students from CAMP-Nano to encourage and motivate them to study harder and never stop the aspiration to explore the unknown world. State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials will continue to hold more meaningful activities to help the expanding vision of pupils and the public, as well as endeavor to enhance the awareness, sensitive and curiosity the young generation and to cultivate a more knowledgeable and prosperous scientific era. 

pupils visited MBM

Mingshui Ding  giving the report "magical tour of science "

pupils playing the remote-controlled car using the APP on a cellphone

Fei Ai introducing the ETEM

Tao Dai performing " Beautiful garden in the water"

Ning Xu teaching pupils to use metalloscope

Kang Liu doing the experiment with a frozen banana

Lie Yang making the "lemon battery"

Kids doing experiment by themselves

Group photo





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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049