Professor Zhiwei Shan, the Executive Director of CAMP-Nano, professor Weizhong Han, Dr. Xiaohui Ning and Boyu Liu et al. four doctoral students went to the Yulin distinct in Shannxi province to investigate the magnesium industry in response to the call of “combining the scientific research with industrial production ” from the Central.
Prof. Shan et al. visited and learned the whole production process of magnesium metal and met with the principals of these enterprises including Shannxi Magnesium Industry Group Co., LTD, Shenmu Dongfeng Magnesium Metal Co., Yulin Tianlong Magnesium Industry Co.,LTD., FuguJingfu Coal Chemical Co., LTD, Jianchuanhongtai Magnesium Alloy Industry Co., LTD, Tian Yu Mineral Industrial Group.
为响应中央提出的“产学研相结合”的号召, 2015年5月7日,西安交通大学材料学院副院长、微纳中心执行主任单智伟教授,韩卫忠教授,宁晓辉老师及刘博宇等四名博士研究生深入企业生产第一线,对陕西省榆林市的镁业发展现状进行为期3天的考察,考察对象包括陕西省镁工业协会、陕西省镁业集团以及5家涉镁企业。在考察过程中,团队针对企业现状提出了一些有效建议。




