Celebrate the English version of SMSE website on-line!
author:xiaohua   time:2016-04-07

The brand new English version website of the school of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is available to access today, as a cordial gift to the 120th anniversary celebration of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) and the 60th anniversary of its western relocation. The English website provides an ideal platform to introduce MSE and present its achievements worldwide. The website will be actively updated with announcements of important events, research highlights, student admission programs, faculty recruitment and other key information. For questions, comments, suggestions and news contributions, please contact Prof. Wei Zhang, Mr. Chuanwei Fan and Ms. Xiaoting Liu.  

Click here for the English website of MSE: http://mse.xjtu.edu.cn/en/




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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049