Minister of Education Baosheng Chen visited CAMP-NANO, Xi'an Jiaotong University
author:Simian Liu & Shehzad   time:2017-06-20


June 19 morning, the Party Secretary and Minister, Baosheng Chen from Ministry of Education visited CAMP-NANO, Xi'an Jiaotong University to research reform and ideological of education in colleges and universities. Director of General Office of the Ministry of Education Demin Song, Director of Comprehensive Reform Division Zicheng Liu, Director of Department of Sports Health and Art Education Dengfeng Wang, member of the Standing Committee of Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department Changxing Zhuang, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Committee Xiaochi Wang, Provincial Education Department Director Jianli Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong University Party Secretary Maizeng Zhang, principal Shuguo Wang and other fellows accompanied.

The results of party branch are shown on the wall. Baosheng Chen heard the branch of construction work report by Professor Zhiwei Shan, Director of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering. When he heard about CAMP-NANO published papers from 2014 to 2016 as a first author accounted for 92% of the number of party members, he frequently nodded and praised that party played the leading role in ideological and political work for scientific research and education.
Baosheng Chen visited CAMP-NANO laboratory, he had a strong interest in the laboratory's advanced management. He also concerned about the operation of experimental equipment and their results and supported the research center Construction results.
CAMP-NANO, Xi'an Jiaotong University was established in May 2013. It is a dynamic branch consists of young teachers and students, combining the party construction, ideology policy with the team work, teachers’ guidance and the combination of students’ growth. Outstanding achievements have been made on scientific research together with ideological and political education.




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28 West Xianning Rd., The Building of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.China 710049